Authentic coffee scrub for body and face.

Hi readers! So, we are living the quarantine life right now. No beauty parlours! no spas. Let's be honest that even if they are open, they just cost so much. As we, with our busy life, where we barely take time to groom ourselves, we just pour our hard earned money on parlours and spas.

DO you know one thing? Grooming is essential for our daily routines. It is necessary for our body! our souls! for the ultimate relaxation, everything right from bathing to pedicure and manicure, should be done in a right way to maintain our body to be healthy with a good blood flow, circulation and rejuvenation!

So, as we girlies are staying home, instead of waxing, you must have done shaving or using a hair removal cream. Then? whats's after that? What about moisturizer or a scrub? We can use aloevera actually. Along with that let me introduce you my actual routine after hair removal.

This is much better than the chemical used coffee scrubs out there which cost a huge amount of money. Eating good nutritious food and homemade grooming is the key to a healthy life.

Before doing this, please make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients by testing it at the sensitive area like a patch test.

Try homemade coffee scrub💓

You just need

  • coffee powder
  • essential/ coconut/ almond/ olive oil
  • rose water
  • sugar/ brown sugar ( optional )

Mix the coffee granules with some drops of each ingredient mentioned above ( you can also add sugar) for the following scrub. Apply it on hands, legs, face. Scrub it GENTLY.

Make sure everything is organic.

This scrub removes the dead cells, exfoliates and maintains the blood circulation. Along with that, my assumption is, it reduces the hair growth. Let me know if you know the extra information in the comments below.💗


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